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Legal Support Service Software Scorecard for 2025

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Choosing the right software is crucial for running an efficient and profitable litigation support business. A poorly designed system can cause delays to pile up, manual processes that slow your team down, and inefficiencies that eat into your bottom line. Use this scorecard to evaluate your software options and select a platform that eliminates bottlenecks, boosts productivity, and drives lasting success.  


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Legal Support Software Scorecard


Instructions: Rate your provider on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is “Poor” and 5 is “Excellent.”

Add your scores—higher totals indicate a stronger software. The maximum score is 120.


CriteriaRating (1-5)
Legal Support Capabilities
Does the software offer self-service and concierge ordering for eFiling and other legal support services?
Other Functionality
Can users search by case, and are file-endorsed copies & proofs of service available in their accounts?
Court Approval
Is the software certified for use by the courts where you want to offer eFiling?
Customer Portal Functionality
Ease of Use
Is the portal user friendly and easy to access?
Communication Features
Does the portal offer order status updates in real time?
Accuracy Checks
Is the software equipped with error and informational alerts to help ensure documents are complete and correctly formatted?
Does the software facilitate electronic payment transactions?
Operations Portal Functionality
eFiling Order Management
Can you view incoming, executed, and in-progress orders as they move through the system?
Service of Process Order Management
Can you view incoming orders, attempts, and executed orders, and remind your servers to provide updates and sign proofs?
Due Date Tracking
Does the software display orders due by:
- On Demand
- Due in 2 Hours
- Due Today
- Due Tomorrow
- Overdue
See What Your Customers See
Does the software offer a customer account view?
Scalability and Integration
Turnkey Solution
Can the system scale up without additional expenses for hardware, software, or additional users?
Law Firm Software Compatibility
Does the software integrate with practice management and document management tools law firms commonly used?
API Capability
Does the software offer an application programming interface (API) to tailor system-to-system integrations with law firms, or with your own system?
Data Security
Adheres to Highest Industry Standards
Can the software fulfill the requirements of highly secure, SOC 2 certified infrastructure for data security?
Data Encryption
Is all web traffic encrypted with 2048-bit RSA TLS/SSL?
Peace of Mind for Law Firm Clients
Does the software restrict access to personally identifiable information (e.g., medical records, SS numbers, etc.)?
Customer Support Quality
Does the software manufacturer’s support team respond promptly to support inquiries?
Can you contact the support team via phone, email, or chat for assistance with any issue (technical and non-technical) during business hours?
Problem Solving Expertise
Are there testimonials, reviews, or do you have personal experience that indicates the support team can consistently provide solutions?
Initial Training
Is live, one-to-one training available at no cost?
Ongoing Support
Is there access to a knowledge base, and are training videos available 24/7?
Pricing and Value
Cost Predictability
Are software costs affordable and consistent?
Provides Data Reports and Analytics
Can the software add value by generating meaningful reports and analytics that help manage your business and the businesses of your law firm customers?

Additional Comments: Total Score: ___ / 120
  Overall Rating (Average): ___ / 5


Time for a Software Upgrade? Let’s Talk.

If your current legal support software isn’t delivering the flexibility, security, and reliability your business needs, it’s time for an upgrade. LegalConnect offers a powerful, all-in-one solution that empowers you to eFile, serve, and manage orders while keeping you connected to your clients in real time. See the difference for yourself; contact us to schedule a demo today.


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