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Lessons From the Trenches: Personal Stories of Legal Support Service Business Success

Legal Support Service Success Stories

In the ever-evolving landscape of legal support services, the path to success is not always a straightforward one. It requires innovation, resilience, and a commitment to exceptional service. We interviewed three legal support service business leaders who have navigated the challenges of the industry, embraced change, and achieved remarkable success. Here are their personal stories.


Lessons From the Trenches 1


Michael Kern of Direct Legal Support

Michael Kern, the President & CEO of Direct Legal Support, is no stranger to the legal support industry. With a career spanning over three decades, he has witnessed the evolution of the field firsthand. Direct Legal Support, founded by his father in 1961, has been at the forefront of process serving, e-filing, skip tracing, and more, serving clients not only in Los Angeles but nationwide. We sat with Michael to hear about his experiences in running and growing his company.


Q: Building and running a business is tough, particularly in such a unique industry. What are some lessons from the trenches, if you will, that you experienced earlier on in your career or the company?

A: I’ve always been quite concerned about ensuring follow-through on completed tasks or promises made to clients. It’s crucial for me that the team doesn’t drop the ball, and quality assurance plays a significant role in this. Our team leaders diligently oversee the process to ensure nothing slips through the cracks and to minimize errors. Over the past three decades, technology has been a game-changer in this regard, providing the tools needed for efficient tracking and reducing the frequency of these issues.


Q: What are some lessons or tips today that you can share with others in the industry?

A: Two things! The first is that technology and software are key! Specifically, process serving software. I see many people who don’t use software and by my standards they are setting themselves up for failure.

The second is to never talk down about competitors. Whether you like your competitors or not isn’t relevant. Rather than putting down others, find the gap in satisfaction and figure out how you can fill it in where others aren’t able to. You’ll stand out by doing so. People are often refreshed by the fact that we acknowledge competitors’ positive aspects and instead of saying anything negative, we simply point out how our procedures can ensure success where theirs may be lacking.


Q: How do you measure success?

A: Longevity and of course, money. If you’re expanding, hiring, and your employees are staying with you long term, those are great indicators of success.


Q: What advice would you give to people who want to start their own business in this industry?

A: It’s competitive and running the business and being a process server are two different things.

If you want to start your own business, work for someone else first before jumping in with your own. This will allow you to learn the basics and crawl before you walk. Oftentimes, people want to go right into running for a fast dollar, but then find themselves in a bad spot. Find a good company to get your feet wet. While you’re there, ask questions, work hard, and be smart. After that, you’ll be able to start your own company and run your own business.


Lessons From the Trenches


Walter Lee of Legal Document Server, Inc.

Walter Lee, the CEO of Legal Document Server, Inc., embarked on his journey in 2012 with a mission to streamline litigation support processes. Originally focused on case management services, the company facilitated secure document processing and communication with the court, benefiting attorneys dealing with large volumes of documents. In 2017, faced with an acquisition offer that didn’t align with their vision, Walter and his team decided to chart their own course. His company now offers a wide range of services, including eFiling, eService, physical court filing, and more, serving clients nationwide. We asked Walter to share his personal insights with us.


Q: Building and running a business is tough, particularly in such a unique industry. What are some lessons from the trenches, if you will, that you experienced earlier on in your career or the company? Said another way, what were things that kept you up at night, and how did you overcome them?

A: Being a software-as-a-service (SaaS)-based business in the legal industry is very unique. You’re essentially selling to a market of extremely unique and intelligent people. There’s no easy sell. The most important part was understanding how legal professionals operate and what they valued. Trust is essential!

Being a business owner breeds uncertainty in the beginning. Trying traditional marketing and sales tactics in such a unique industry doesn’t allow you to bear fruit as quickly as one might think. That definitely keeps you up at night. There are still sleepless nights thinking about the future, but they remind me that being present and consistent is very important!


Q: What are some lessons or tips today that you can share with others in the industry?

A: Biggest tip: Always be learning and trying to grow your business. Do not become complacent…ever! Always outcompete and stay hungry. Always try to exceed the expectations of your clients by going the extra mile for them.


Q: How has litigation support service software like the LegalConnect platform played a role in building and/or running your business?

A: At first, it was challenging to get on board with a platform that wasn’t designed by us. We were used to developing our own technology and making modifications on the fly. There was a moment where we had to come to terms with the fact that although we didn’t build it, we can use and take advantage of LegalConnect technology. Once we were able to harness it, our user base grew exponentially, and we’ve been able to get access to courts that we would never have been able to gain on our own. More importantly, we were able to reduce development costs significantly. LegalConnect also provides full-time tech support that alleviates a lot of pressure.

What sets LegalConnect apart is that they are good listeners and want to have regular conversations about future developments. LegalConnect gives you the opportunity to make recommendations and suggestions. They’ve been good partners to us.


Q: What does it mean to be a great litigation support service company?

A: Great customer service! Litigation support is transitioning into a full-blown digital industry. However, at the end of the day this is a service-based business. Connections with customers and providing superior service will set you apart from others. Providing technology can only go so far, but the customer service that pairs with it is what’s most important.


Q: How do you measure success?

A: Success to Legal Document Server, Inc., is measured by customer satisfaction and client retention. We are very numbers oriented, but nothing is more satisfying than satisfied customers. If your customers are grateful and your team around you is happy and growing along with the business, you’re experiencing success!


Q: What advice would you give to people who want to start their own business in this industry?

A: Get ready to learn! Get ready for lots of trial and error. Have patience. Be ready to fail just as much as you’re ready to succeed. And most importantly… stay consistent and don’t give up!


Lessons From the Trenches


Kristy Thornton of Bay Area File

Kristy Thornton, the CEO of Bay Are File, represents a remarkable success story in the legal support service industry. What began as a temporary venture quickly evolved into a thriving business. Bay Area File offers a wide range of services, including physical filings, courtesy copies, record retrieval, process service, e-file, and concierge service. We asked Kristy to share her journey with us.


Q: What are some lessons from the trenches that you experienced earlier on in your career or the company? Said another way, what were things that kept you up at night, and how did you overcome them?

A: One of our biggest learning lessons was preparing for growth. You have to think ahead. We started growing before we were fully prepared. It was unexpected.
Also, reputation is everything. Word of mouth and clients talking to their friends is our best marketing.


Q: What are some lessons or tips today that you can share with others in the industry?

A: Be the best out there. Do more than your job is asked of you. You should always go the extra mile. People appreciate that, and it goes a long way in this business. Your reputation will reflect that. Our unofficial motto is to do more for clients than you need to do.

When it comes to pricing, find your sweet spot. Your prices should increase with growth but stay competitive and reasonable. You don’t want clients to feel gouged.


Q: How has litigation support service software like the LegalConnect platform played a role in building and/or running your business?

A: It’s automated our business and helped us to earn more business. We couldn’t handle our numbers without that automation. There weren’t too many players around when we were looking, and the other ones [we found] weren’t full service like LegalConnect. LegalConnect understands attorney services in all aspects. The software is designed for every next step and the team consists of people who understand our business.


Q: What does it mean to be a great litigation support service company?

A: Being a great litigation support service company starts with doing more for your client than you need to. Lawyers are frustrated and anxious by this new digital switch so if you can provide help with that, you are filling the gap. It’s an old school industry and a switch to digital is the biggest change in attorney services in a long time.


Q: How do you measure success?

A: Quality of life. You can make all the money that you can make, but if you don’t have a good work/life balance, it doesn’t matter. Remind yourself that money is important but it’s not the most important. You have to have downtime. Happy employees and owners, to me, is success.


Q: What advice would you give to people who want to start their own business in this industry?

A: Find the market. At this point in the game if you are trying to get in the door, find the market that hasn’t been tapped. Find the market for your opportunity. Where is the service lacking? Meet that need. Find the county that still needs a good person. They do exist! If you’re researching and you think to yourself, “This county doesn’t have anyone great, that’s where you can jump in!” Those are opportunities!


A Recap of Success


A Recap of Success

In the dynamic landscape of legal support services, the stories of Michael Kern, Walter Lee, and Kristy Thornton shed light on the pathways to success within this challenging industry. Their collective experiences underscore the necessity of innovation, resilience, and an unwavering commitment to providing exceptional service.

Michael Kern’s journey at Direct Legal Support, a company entrenched in the legal support industry for decades, epitomizes the essence of quality assurance and adaptation to technological advancements. His emphasis on utilizing technology for efficient tracking and the importance of respecting competitors while focusing on filling service gaps highlights critical lessons for success.

Walter Lee’s perspective as the CEO of Legal Document Server, Inc. emphasizes the need for constant learning, growth, and never becoming complacent. His insights on leveraging litigation support service software like LegalConnect demonstrate the value of strategic partnerships and staying customer-centric to achieve exponential growth.

Kristy Thornton’s transformation of Bay Area File from a temporary venture to a thriving business reinforces the significance of preparation, maintaining an impeccable reputation, and exceeding client expectations. Her commitment to automation through technology and a strong focus on client satisfaction underlines the hallmarks of a successful litigation support service company.

In measuring success, longevity, financial growth, and customer satisfaction emerge as common indicators across these leaders. However, they collectively emphasize that success is not solely defined by monetary gains; rather, it extends to the quality of life, work/life balance, and the contentment of both employees and business owners.

For aspiring entrepreneurs in the legal support service industry, the advice resonates with a common theme: perseverance, learning from failures, and seizing untapped market opportunities. Understanding the industry, being customer-centric, and embracing innovation are central tenets to thrive in this competitive landscape.

In conclusion, the stories of these legal support service business leaders provide valuable insights into the industry’s demands and the keys to success. Innovation, resilience, exceptional service, and adaptability to change are crucial elements for navigating challenges and achieving remarkable milestones in this constantly evolving field. Technology like LegalConnect’s also played a pivotal role. Interested in learning how LegalConnect’s litigation support service management software can help contribute to your company’s success? Request a demo or contact us today.